move from within - movement and somatics for personal development

move from within - movement and somatics for personal development

Not a dance class. Not a meditation group. Not a ceremonial space. Move from Within combines elements from all those contexts.

Select date and time

Tuesday, October 1 · 10:15am - 12:15pm CEST



Kochgasse 1080 Wien Austria

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 2 days before event

About this event

Welcome to Move from Within!

Not a dance class. Not a meditation group. Not a ceremonial space.

Move from Within combines elements from all those contexts, though.

- we use dance elements and movement to recognise our behavioural patterns and to enlarge our range of responses;

- we use contemplative practices and awareness principles which are common to meditation to develop the ability to sense and be present;

- we use rituals and intention to provide a sacred and safe container for the individual and collective experience.

By combining these elements, we provide a structure that promotes self-knowledge, growth and connection. Participants mention the benefits of having a weekly space where they can slow down, but also where they can get fresh insights into their lives and how they relate with others and with the world.

TUESDAYS 10:15 - 12:15

Kochgasse 1080 VIENNA

Each session of "move from within" is a learning journey.

In those 2 hour sessions, the participants are invited to explore a specific topic through direct experience. Body awareness, movement and human connection are the main tools for this self-exploration.


Authentic Movement | Social Presencing Theater | Holistic Dance | Embodiment


small group - max. 4 people

the sessions take place with a minimum 2 people

Organized by

Body wisdom in movement!

Combining knowledge from psychology, dance and movement pedagogy, neuroscience and experience design, the learning programs are designed to promote transformation, starting from individual awareness.

€15 – €40